Amida Therapy

Are you looking for space to think and talk about difficulties in your life: at work, with family life or in your relationships? Do you feel low in mood sometimes, have persistent worries, lack energy for life, feel stuck, anxious or depressed?

Are you drawn to making some changes and have a desire to transform some things in your life? Perhaps you have a sense of deeper meaning and want to explore this further?

A series of counselling, psychotherapy or art therapy sessions can provide the safe space in which you can begin to look at these things.

Amida Therapists 

View therapist profiles: Jnanamati Susthama

Therapy sessions give you the chance express what is on your mind and is a process of sharing your personal story with another person who can walk alongside you on a journey of discovery and help you to create conditions for healing.

Amida Therapy is a group of therapists based in Great Malvern trained and practicing in a Buddhist approach to psychotherapy. All have studied Buddhist psychology with the Amida school, and together have a wealth of experience both as therapists and more generally within the helping professions. We can offer individual person to person appointments, as well as remote video sessions and telephone consultations.

Areas that you can find help with in therapy:
personal growth
sexuality and sexual problems
grief and loss
personal growth
spiritual development